matchbox tiny
105 x 130 mm
long and speckled
263 x 458 mm
#65 & #66
two creamy commissions
2 x 297 x 420 mm
bathroom bottles
4,3 m³
poster for Vild Vin Festival 2022
420 × 594 mm
window for Kasa Kasa/Kulbroen
ca. 4,000 x 3,000 mm
dusky Rothkoeqsue bottles
300 x 400 mm
screaming orange
305 x 405 mm
large bottles, Reduktivt's window
ca. 4,000 x 3,000 mm
splashy totebags x kasa kasa
440 x 670 mm
splashy bottles in a square
217 x 217 mm
splashy cider in a silver frame
133 x 178 mm
blue bottles in a woody frame
305 x 405 mm
splashy port wine in green bottles
297 x 420 mm
shards of glass on green
420 x 540 mm
if boobs could be bottled
2 x 210 x 297 mm
creamy wines on textured paper
300 x 490 mm
splashy orange wine
350 x 483 mm
the campari plakat that didn't win
210 x 297 mm
funky cider cuvée
750 ml
miniature grape/apple cuvée design
130 x 100 mm
splashy cider in ornate gold
265 x 200 mm
close-up of a splashy blend
410 x 295 mm
splashy pink on handmade deckle paper
450 × 610 mm
deep, pink bottles on textured paper
297 × 420 mm
pens tested and annotated
350 x 450 mm
web of black bottles
220 x 250 mm
shades of sangiovese wine
380 x 480 mm
blue hues
297 × 420 mm
sangiovese blur
297 × 420 mm
choppy charcoal
297 × 420 mm
continuous scribble
297 × 420 mm
zebra juice
297 × 420 mm
is red wine really red?
297 × 420 mm
pink pearls, creamy frame
297 × 420 mm
pink splashes
297 × 420 mm
orange splashes
297 × 420 mm
creamy wine in wood
297 × 420 mm
bottles and gaps
297 x 420 mm
bottles on the back of a vintage map
210 x 300 mm
pink bottles on scratchy material
410 x 510 mm
shades of orange wine
231 x 327 mm
orange wine/cider/kombucha in a wooden frame
305 x 365 mm
thin, straight bottles on off-white paper
270 x 330 mm
145 shades of orange wine
213 x 302 mm
splashy espresso bottles, framed twice
280 x 360 mm
splashy bottles of espresso on porous card
270 x 350 mm
white on black paper, cut-off bottles
243 x 303 mm
bottles drawn left-handed, paint-splashed
240 x 300 mm
large painted bottles, splashy pink wine
510 x 710 mm
2700 DKK / 362 €
passepartout-less bottles
320 x 420 mm
deep rosé and some escaping droplets
300 x 430 mm
bottles with pink wine on stained board
210 x 295 mm
gold gel pen on black
150 x 216 mm
bottles with two stray drunkards
297 x 420 mm
bottles and a hidden ice cream
300 x 430 mm
cut-off circle of bottles, framed
260 x 260 mm
charcoal bottles in a creamy frame
280 x 400 mm
bottles etched onto a vinhanen bottle
750 ml
red wine, wet and dry
297 x 420 mm
bottles painted with actual wine
290 x 420 mm
bottles on toilet paper in gold frame
180 x 230 mm
cut-off bottles
148 x 210 mm
paper ripped, ruined and splashed
148 x 210 mm
golden bottles in a golden frame
210 × 300 mm
bottles, drawn drunk, framed
220 x 260 mm
charcoal bottles in wooden frame
230 x 350 mm
cut-off sunrise gradient bottles
8 x 339 mm
gradient bottles, no border
230 x 350 mm
the longest line yet, with a little gap
600 x 800 mm
bottles with a larger-than-usual passepartout
300 x 400 mm
floaty pink wine in a square frame
300 x 300 mm
water-meets-ink bottles
297 x 420 mm
simple bottles on A3
297 x 420 mm
bottles drawing on A4
210 × 297 mm
deep rosé bottles, filling up
300 x 450 mm
small and simple
148 x 210 mm
white, square and ultimately instagrammable
260 x 260 mm
bottles in a dark, wooden frame
300 x 330 mm
simple illustration on A3
297 x 420 mm
bottles framed in gold
250 x 320 mm